Monday, May 25, 2009

New York Times article

On Friday, May 22, 2009 an article entitled "At Turkish Border, Armenians Are Wary of a Thaw" ran in the New York Times. Relations between the two countries remain strained because of the Turkish refusal to acknowledge the genocide of over a million and a half Armenians during World War I.

Click here to access the article

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Blog about the Armenian Genocide

Check out this other blog posted by Lucy Setian, a journalist from Sofia, Bulgaria.

To see her blog click here

Do your part. Write to your Senators and congress person in support of United States recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Armenian Genocide Recognition 2009

Please visit the ANCA web site for information on how to participate in the struggle for official recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Click here: Armenian National Committee of America

Act now! Do not let another year go by.

Thanks for your support.